Pay Per Click Management


What is Pay-Per-Click Marketing?

PPC is an online marketing channel in which marketers pay every time a user clicks on one of the on their internet ads.


There are various kinds of PPC advertisements, but probably the most common ad is the online paid search ad. These types of ads show up when most people research for anything online utilizing a search engine like Google or Bing – specifically when they may be performing commercial searches, which means that they’re searching for something to purchase.


This can be something from the mobile research (someone searching for “restaurant near me” on their own phone) in order to a local service research (someone searching for a dentist or a painter within their own local area) to someone buying a gift (“Father’s Day”) or the high-end product like technical software. Almost all of these types of searches pay-per-click display advertisements.


In PPC advertising, companies running advertisements are just billed each time a consumer actually clicks on their advertisement, and so the name “pay-per-click. ”Some other forms associated with PPC marketing include display advertising (typically, banner ad ads) and retargeting.

How Keywords Work in PPC?

As the name indicates, the Advertisement Auction is a simple bidding system. This ensures that marketers must bid the keywords phrases they like in order to “trigger, ” and display, their very own ads. These kinds of terms or phrases are recognized as keywords.


For example, if your company is an expert in camping tools. A person seeking to buy a brand new camping tent, sleeping bags, or light-weight stove might search your specific keyword “camping equipment” in the internet search engine to find out retailers offering these items.


PPC advertising example of SERP


At the time the customer submits their search query, the search engines process the complex algorithmic calculation that the ad Auction depends upon. The process determines which ads will be displayed, by which order, and by specific marketer.


Since you need to pay for every single click your own ads, it is mandatory to only bid on keywords which are relevant to your company, therefore you can be certain to get the RETURN ON INVESTMENT from your ad invest.


The keywords tool may help you to find the correct keywords to bid on which are both likely to increase sales or conversion that are not that expensive.

Action Plan into Your PPC Advertising Campaigns

Even though the fundamentals of PPC advertising are usually simple, managing a successful paid search ad campaign may not be easy for you.


Most advertisers cannot spend the time and work necessary to remain up to date with latest developments to Google AdWords and Bing, and many of them will be missing new opportunities for their online business through PAY PER CLICK.


If you are searching for a fast return on investment (ROI), you’ll would like to work with a per click advertising company. WebiPros Internet Marketing Agency offers expertise in creating and managing campaigns in Google and Bing ads.


WebiPros Advisor takes the headache out of pay-per-click advertising to help you with your campaigns. We can help you find new opportunities, enhance your account, and modify your ad spend to align with the right paid search goals.


With our online reports we will notify you of areas in which immediate actions should be taken to yield better results, and make recommendations on which areas with your account could be improved.

PPC Plans

Our Pay-Per-Click Process

Website assessment:

We audit your website, establish online presence of and gather the site information about your niche market and target audience.


We run a keyword research and setup ad groups:

We will do a detailed keyword research, ad group setup and bid management for your campaigns. We can also prioritize main keywords based on your specific business inputs.


Creating relevant ads:

Based on the keyword research for your website, our team of PPC experts will create specific relevant ads to target your business main keywords that are present in the ad groups setup. The ads can be setup to showcase your business locations, contact information and your main services or products.


PPC campaigns reports:

Monthly PPC performance detailed reports that are sent out to keep you informed about the campaigns and results achieved.

Pay Per Click Plans

Pay Per Click Campaign Management Service
Don't need minimum ad spend requirement. Fixed monthly PPC management fees.
You pay directly to Google. You own 100% account ownership of Google Ads account.

$159 One Time Fee$249 / Month
  • Ideal for campaigns with small monthly ad spend budget (up to $500/mo)
  • Google Ads
  • Google Search Network
  • Basic conversion tracking
  • Weekly PPC reports
  • Monthly PPC performance reports
  • Scheduled call support with Google & Bing Ads accredited professionals
$339 One Time Fee$409 / Month
  • Ideal for campaigns with small monthly ad spend budget (up to $1000/mo)
  • Google Ads
  • Google Search Network
  • Advanced Conversion Tracking
  • Weekly PPC Reports
  • Monthly PPC performance reports
  • Scheduled call support with Google & Bing Ads accredited professionals
  • Google Extensions set up
$615 One Time Fee$789 / Month
  • Ideal for campaigns with medium monthly ad spend budget (up to $3000/mo)
  • Google Ads
  • Google Search Network
  • Advanced Conversion Tracking
  • Weekly PPC Reports
  • Monthly PPC performance reports
  • Call support with Google & Bing Ads accredited professionals
  • Google Extensions set up
$715 One Time Fee$929 / Month
  • Ideal for campaigns with high monthly ad spend budget (up to $5000/mo)
  • Google Ads
  • Google Search Network
  • Advanced Conversion Tracking
  • Weekly PPC Reports
  • Monthly PPC performance reports
  • Scheduled Call support with Google & Bing Ads accredited professionals
  • Google Extensions set up
  • Click fraud monitoring
  • Geographic report analysis
$1,699 One Time Fee$2,279 / Month
  • Ideal for campaigns with very high monthly ad spend budget (up to $10000/mo)
  • Google Ads
  • Google Search Network
  • Advanced Conversion Tracking
  • Weekly PPC Reports
  • Monthly PPC performance reports
  • Scheduled Call support with Google & Bing Ads accredited professionals
  • Google Extensions set up
  • Click fraud monitoring
  • Geographic report analysis
Above mentioned deliverables will be performed over a period of 6 months
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