How to Successfully Promote Your Facebook Page Everywhere

Facebook is a leader of the social media pack. Want to be part of it?

Creating a Facebook page for your business can go a long way (yes, even in the era where many are seeing Facebook page reach decline).

Maybe you’ve already done so. Maybe you’re aching to take that first step but haven’t quite yet.

Or, perhaps your page just isn’t quite getting the interaction you want.

Today, we’re going to hone your Facebook skills.

If you’re not already promoting your Facebook page and you run a business, you need to start.

Facebook isn’t just a site for friends to stay in touch anymore. Many utilize it to search for basic information about companies before they make a purchase.

That’s why it’s essential that you learn to promote your Facebook Page where and whenever possible.

Why You Should be Using Facebook for Your Business

We all know the business world is constantly evolving. It’s been true for decades.


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It’s true now: if you want engagement from your audience, you need to meet their needs. It’s not about you but the consumer.

And they’re on Facebook.

People who use Facebook tend to stay on the app (most use their mobile devices) for a while. Data from 2020 showed internet users spent an average of 2 hours and 25 minutes a day on social media apps.

That’s almost a full day’s worth of screen time spent on social media within one week.

Do you think you can get at least a view out of that time? It’s possible.

Other small businesses realize the same thing. Over 200 million of them worldwide have been using Facebook’s tools to amp up their business.

Facebook is continuing to give companies more and more opportunities to maximize their business potential. If it can work for them, it can work for you.

Here’s how to do it yourself.

Top 8 Ways to Promote Your Facebook Page

The first few followers are the hardest to get. As someone still seeking success, how should you start out?


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Despite what most guides you’ll find online will tell you, there’s more to creating a Facebook page following than asking your friends to join. Sure, you should absolutely do this, as pulling from your current network and social circle is vital for success.

You could spend money on Facebook’s ads, which can work well, but they’re not a guarantee. There are also plenty of other easy, free ways to boost your Facebook following.

1. Give Your Page a Personal Touch

Starting a fan page is an excellent way to give your Facebook presence a more personal feel without using your own account. People like to interact with their friends. Not quite like having a personal profile, others can still “add” you to follow your posts and engage with them.

By setting up a fan page, you’re putting a face to a name if you have a company.

No one wants to buy from a faceless entity, so make posts that are personal and can relate to your audience. If you’re promoting a product or service, tell them why it’s for your reader specifically.

Many companies have created extraordinarily successful fan pages. Samsung, which has the second-highest page following on Facebook, has well over a hundred million followers.

By posting about heartfelt and relevant topics, not just sales posts, they’re able to stay up top.

2. Use High-Quality Photos and Videos

Everyone likes visuals that are easy on the eyes. In days where even common modern smartphones can capture beautiful imagery, there’s no excuse not to have quality images to share.

Share your Facebook Lives

Facebook also compresses photos to their desired size, which can stretch images, so for the best results, crop your photos beforehand so that it isn’t done for you. Upload all photos as JPEG files.


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There are two types of photos or videos you need to worry about:

Your profile

This includes your profile picture, plus your cover photo that goes at the top of your page. Go for clean, professional-looking photos that will promote your brand. For the best Facebook cover photo quality, set the size to 852 pixels by 315 pixels. For your profile photo, make the size 170 pixels by 170 pixels. Your photos must also be less than 100 kilobytes.

Your posts

What you post makes your image on Facebook, alongside your profile itself. You want your page to be a scenic view of gorgeous photos, exciting and eye-pleasing infographics, and funny or heart-touching videos. Size-wise, ideally, you want to upload photos that are 1200 pixels by 630 pixels.

If you use only high-quality visuals for your Facebook page, you’ll be much more likely to get followers.

Also, make sure you’re posting helpful content, not just content for content’s sake.

People follow what they want to see more of. For example, John Jantsch does a wonderful job with his page.


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3. Enable the “Call to Action” Button

The end goal may not be actual Facebook followers if you run a business. It’s to turn those followers into active consumers.

By adding a call-to-action (CTA) button or two to your page, you’re giving directions on where people should go next.

This could be a link back to your shop, to book an appointment, or to contact your company. On Facebook, you can have up to seven CTA buttons, so there’s no reason to stick to just one, either.

Don’t go too crazy, but make sure your fans know where to turn to next, and keeping them on Facebook is a great way to get more visibility from Facebook.

For example, Dana at Boss-Moms has her CTA linked to a thriving Facebook group.

4. Join or Create a Facebook Group

Like we talked about in the previous point, creating and joining Facebook groups is a phenomenal way to interact with others and let people come to you.


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Search a few target interests or keywords on Facebook while logged into your page and find some fascinating groups to join. After that, make sure you engage by leaving both comments and reactions on posts in your groups.

Eventually, you’ll become a recognized name in the group, bringing your page recognition right alongside it.

Alternatively, create your own Facebook group – some of my favorites, like Boss Mom mentioned above, have created highly successful pages related to their audience’s interests.

First, they provide fantastic free materials; then, they promote their products or services. The “sales” is done secondarily to the first goal of helping their audience.

For example, Boss Moms created their group as a safe space for mom entrepreneurs to receive support. The group then links back to company resources.

Another choice pick of mine, Successful Female Entrepreneurs, created an inclusive community in their group.

Maria Wendt, the founder, not only created a nurturing group but also makes sure to post helpful business tips and educational materials on how to find clients for members.


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5. Promote Your Facebook Page Everywhere

Let’s revisit your current network: a.k.a, the people you already know.

Whether it’s friends, peers, or followers on other accounts, it’s time to utilize them. Those people are your connections already for a reason, and they’re more than likely willing to help out.

So, what should you do? Promote, promote, promote.

Post to your Instagram. Tell your friends and your friend’s dad. And absolutely provide a link back to your page in any Facebook groups you’ve created too.

Wherever you can, make sure the road leads back to you and your Facebook page.

Dr. Ai does this very well by using her personal Facebook profile to tell everyone when she’s live streaming from her page.

6. Use Facebook Stories and Facebook Live

Two slightly newer tools Facebook has launched, both Facebook Stories and Facebook Live give you a more sincere connection. Facebook Stories is perfect for day-in-the-life updates, from silly to sincere, or maybe quick promotions for your business.


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Facebook Live, on the other hand, gives an even more personal touch. Live-streaming gives the impression of almost being there, wherever the video is taking place. Try doing a live stream of exciting things you do, or simply post a life update.

Many are seeing their brand skyrocket due to its success on Facebook.

Let’s go back again to my friend, consultant Dr. Ai Addyson-Zhang.

Dr. Ai hosts several live shows and has live-streamed for years at this point. In the beginning, it wasn’t easy. But in April 2021, Dr. Addyson-Zhang made over $60,000 in sales in one week.

Consistency is key – Dr. Addyson-Zhang does so well because she hasn’t missed a single week in over two years in her live streaming show journey.

7. Maintain a Regular Schedule: Consistency is the Secret Sauce

Just like everything great in life – a six-pack, becoming debt-free, getting married to the person of your dreams – you must commit to a consistent game plan to see success.


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This is true on Facebook, too, as seen in my friend Dr. Ai’s powerful example.

Something essential to remember if you want to gain and retain followers and make sure you stick to a regular schedule.

Not only will it keep you in the minds of your current fans as you continuously pop up on their feeds, but you’ll also have a pretty front page.

Visiting users like to see many recent posts so they know they can look forward to regularly posted quality content. Try to post about 1-2 times a day, at the very least several times per week.

If you’re too busy to stick to a tight posting schedule, which you very well might be, there’s no reason to fear. There are many ways to automate posts to your Facebook page, from plugins on WordPress to software made specifically for the task.

8. Engage Your Audience and Peers

Doesn’t it feel good to get those reactions and comments on your posts every single time? You’re not the only one who feels that way: nearly everybody does, including your audience.


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Using your page and profile on Facebook, try to follow a good amount of people who have interests that overlap with your business audience. Comment and react as much as you can on other’s posts.

Make sure not to sound like you’re trying to promote yourself, but post real, thoughtful comments. People appreciate it and are more likely to check you out.

Don’t be afraid to message your peers, either. Most, if not all, have been in your shoes before, and many are willing to help out beginners. Try finding a successful account you admire and send them a quick message.

You never know what could happen if you hear back.

It’s Not Impossible to Increase Your Facebook Page’s Following

Time to stop worrying about promoting your page on Facebook.

Keep up with regular high-quality posting, engage with others, and use the tools Facebook has already given you to use. You’ll be able to go far.


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With a new set of tools under your belt, it’s time to step out into the not-so-scary world of Facebook and running a page. Keep at it, and soon you’ll start to see the results you’ve been craving!

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All screenshots taken by author, July 2021

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