Want to get more traffic and higher rankings for your WordPress website? WordPress makes it easy to structure, manage, and publish your content in a way that is friendly for search engine optimization. That’s why it’s considered the best content management system (CMS) for SEO. But simply creating a WordPress site won’t magically get you on Page 1 of Google’s

Changes to DuckDuckGo Browser Extension Changes to DuckDuckGo Search Engine Final Notes About FLoC DuckDuckGo announces plans to block FLoC, Google’s new way of tracking users’ web browsing activity in Chrome. As Google transitions away from using third-party cookies in Chrome, its developing a new technology called FLoC (Federated Learning of Cohorts). Google claims FLoC offers more privacy than third-party

YouTube Usage Statistics Facebook Usage Statistics Instagram Usage Statistics Other Usage Statistics More adults in the US use YouTube than any other social network, according to a study from Pew Research Center. Of US adults who say they use any kind of social media, 81% say they use YouTube. Facebook takes second place, with 69% of respondents saying they use

New Filtering in Google Search Console New Features in Microsoft Advertising Content Optimization: Is It You or the Algorithm? Take of the Week ICYMI Lightning Round Hosts Jess Budde, Greg Finn, and Christine “Shep” Zirnheld are back with another episode of Marketing O’Clock. They’re here to tell you about better data filtering coming to Search Console, new Microsoft Advertising features,

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