Few concepts have generated as much buzz and speculation in SEO as E-E-A-T. Short for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, this framework has been a cornerstone of Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines for years. But despite its prominence, more clarity about how E-E-A-T relates to Google‘s ranking algorithms is still needed. In a recent episode of Google’s Search Off The

Many people talk about how important it is to have a “low bounce rate.” But bounce rate is one of the most misunderstood metrics in SEO and digital marketing. This article will explore the complexities of bounce rate and why it’s not as straightforward as you might think. You’ll also learn how to analyze your bounce using Google Analytics 4

Digital is the primary marketing channel for many companies. Many owners and executives still have difficulty budgeting for online marketing. Budgeting for SEO can be complex and influenced by factors like project scope, industry competition, and specific services needed. There is no universal calculator for calculating costs. This article explores key SEO pricing components and how to calculate and plan

This edited extract is from Data Storytelling in Marketing by Caroline Florence ©2024 and is reproduced and adapted with permission from Kogan Page Ltd. Part One of this book outlined the need for data storytelling, the benefits of data storytelling for the marketing function, and the prac­tical barriers that can get in the way of creating a great data story.

Boost your skills with Growth Memo’s weekly expert insights. Subscribe for free! Perplexity’s strategy behind its new Pages feature created a deep rift with publishers, but the reaction seems blown out of proportion. It’s much more interesting as a case study for user-directed AI content (UDC instead of UGC). Perplexity Pages allows users to “create beautifully designed, comprehensive articles on any topic.” You can turn

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