This year, at WordCamp Porto, I had an opportunity to interview Josepha Haden Chomphosy, Executive Directory of WordPress. She gave us some very in-de...
Is There Ranking Power In Keyword Domains?
Domain names with keywords in them are considered valuable for a variety of reasons, including a long-standing idea that they might be directly or ind...
SEM vs. SEO: What’s The Difference?
CSS. HTTP. URL. HTML. It’s possible the only field that uses more acronyms and initializations than web marketing is the military. The military uses...
12 Essential On-Page SEO Factors You Need To Know
Did you ever play Tetris? If so, you probably remember how there was no real way to “beat” the game. It basically just got faster and faster with ...
6 Perfectly Preventable Ways Facebook Ads Tend To Go Wrong
Recent data shows that Facebook attracted 2.93 billion active monthly users. in Q1 2022, making it the social media platform used most around the worl...
Yoast On Why It’s Adopting IndexNow Protocol
After originally dismissing Microsoft’s open-source IndexNow search engine indexing protocol, Yoast has reversed course and indicated they will now ...
How Does Google Handle Page Titles In Multiple Languages?
Writing page titles in multiple languages is generally not recommended. However, Google now has a way to handle them when they’re encountered. An al...
Legal Considerations & Team Communication For Remote Companies
So, you’ve likely figured out that remote work is here to stay, which means a whole set of different considerations when getting set up. In the firs...
Facebook Ad Tips For Your Shopify Store’s Paid Social Strategy
Brands large and small are looking to Shopify as their resource to unify all of their commerce into a single command dashboard. Merchants can take adv...
How To Inspire Content Teams To Care About SEO
When organizations begin with SEO, they often start with a dedicated SEO specialist. This person’s responsibilities are usually broad and include a ...